Why are there Millions of Sea Creatures Buried in the Grand Canyon?

There are some advantages and disadvantages to living in the desert southwest of the United States. Advantage #1 - it's sunny most of the year (320 days or more) and it never rains. Houston, Texas (and many other places) can get more rain in one day than we get in one year if that tells you anything. Disadvantage #1 - the 320 sunny days make it VERY hot for about four months out of the year. Advantage #2 - We live near one of the greatest geological exhibits in all the world- The Grand Canyon and the Great Basin. Lately, I have become rather fascinated and intrigued (my wife might say obsessed, but really it's not that bad) with the geology, history, and beauty of the Grand Canyon and some of the lesser known areas of the southwest. I fell in love with the Canyon when, as a college student, I hiked to the bottom of the GC and stayed with the Havasupai people. Havasupai means "people of the blue green waters" as they have one of the mos...