Good and God Things at My Son's Wedding

My son Kyle got married this week. Because of the threat of rain we had to move both the ceremony venue and the reception venue with only hours notice. Weddings can be crazy anyway let alone moving venues at the last minute. The original plan was to have the wedding at 4:30 on the beach at Sand Harbor State Beach, Lake Tahoe. This is an absolutely stunning place. On a sunny, warm, summer day it is a place hard to beat for beauty. But the forecast was ominous—steady rain, thunderstorms, hail and high winds. The forecasts were correct. It rained most of the day and the beach was a wet mess. The day before I wandered into a beautiful church right in the middle of Incline Village. I waited until after the Sunday service and went to try to find the Pastor. There were only a few people left and I found a small group of people in a hallway. I recognized one of the guys in this small group and said to him, “I know you…....