
Showing posts from February, 2017


Stop for just a moment and say these three words slowly:  Vacation.  Bible.  School.   Could there be three more oxymoronic words out there?  It's sounds to me like the "Hawaii Business Marathon" or the "Vail Indoor Championship."  For the uninitiated an oxymoron are two or more words that we use but stand in contrast to each other:  Found Missing, Alone together, the Living Dead, Adult Male (sorry I couldn't resist), Microsoft Works (oops, I did it again).    Maybe it's because I did not grow up in church.  Maybe it's because I favor the new over the old.  But it really is beyond me why churches still call one of the most important outreach opportunities of the year something that is a complete oxymoron.  And don't even get me started on the phrase "Sunday School."   I know what you're thinking: "Ok, smarty pants.  What's your idea?  Don't just sit there and criticize...come up with a suggestion."  OK...