
Showing posts from January, 2019

How to Present an Honorarium

    From time to time, churches (and other organizations) have a guest speaker join them as part of their ministry or cause. In such cases, it is customary to present your guest with an "honorarium" (some kind of compensation for their time and effort).   I will speak just to the church side of things (but those in other organizations can learn from some of my experience also) as I have been on both the giving and receiving side of honorariums for the better part of 30 years. I have seen good practices and I have seen this done terribly. Most of the time it is done poorly.     If you invite someone to come and provide a service for your church (especially the Sunday morning sermon or a special all-church event), you are making a “big ask.” It is an important assignment and one that should add to the momentum of your church or organization. Here are some things to consider before presenting an honorarium:  1) You are asking someone to come in a...