My Strategy for Transitioning out of the Covid-19 Pandemic

I have had an idea bouncing around in my head for a few days about how to deal with this Covid-19 outbreak and what it will take us to get "back to normal." What if we took our entire country and labeled each area by a ZONE depending on population density? The number of people who live, commute and work near each other is a HUGE factor in the spread of new and contagious diseases. You are far more likely to acquire a new and untreatable virus in New York City than you are in Kingman, Arizona, for example. Like this: In addition, what if we set up a series of CODES or warnings (like they do for fire danger in forest areas) for each zone?. Something like this: Every location in America would have both a Zone number and Code number (which would change as needed). If you live and work in Manhattan in New York City, you are in Zone 10 and you might be under Code Red 2- Shelter in Place but you are permitted to go out for essentials...