Our son celebrates his 5-year anniversary today...but their wedding day was quite the miracle!

Sallie and I pictured with Kyle & Destiny on their wedding day, Monday, August 11, 2014, outside the entrance to Cornerstone Community Church

August 11, 2019

Our son, Kyle and his beautiful bride, Destiny, were married five years ago today.  It was a fantastic day of joy, laughter, hugs, and reunion with friends and meeting new family.  The day before was a bit...stressful.  All weddings have their own stress but this wedding had its own unique issue:  the weather.  The original plan was to have the wedding on the beach at Sand Harbor Beach in North Lake Tahoe near Incline Village (one of the MOST beautiful places in the world!).  The reception was also to be outside at a private place next to the Hyatt Regency-- everything planned out to the tee.  But the weather forecast was ominous-- thunderstorms, heavy rain all afternoon.  2014 was the wettest summer Lake Tahoe had experienced in years...and August 11 was not going to change the pattern.

So, what to do?  Scramble!   I told everyone I would try to find a church to hold the ceremony in.  Problem:  I didn't know any churches at Lake Tahoe.  Others would take care of moving the reception.

I had seen a REALLY nice church in Incline Village that had just undergone a restoration and it was just BEAUTIFUL.  One of the rules I try to live by is this: "Go big or go home..."  Why not try this beautiful church first?

Cornerstone Community Church, Incline Village, Nevada

Since it was Sunday, I waited until after the morning services (just after!  I didn't want anybody to leave) and I went in to try to find the Pastor.  The first person I see (and this is the really good part of this story and the God part!) is a guy named Al Denson.  I saw him and he saw me and we had one of those "I know you but your name is not coming to me right this second" moments.  Then it hit me!  Al Denson!  He was a worship leader and had traveled with Dawson McAllister and had been at Redwood Chapel (our church throughout the 1990's).  Al was also highly involved in our outreach to high school campuses in the SF East Bay during our student crusades in the Fall of 1992 and 1993.  

I told Al what I was up to and what our problem was and that I was trying to find a church that might host the wedding the next day since we were probably going to get rained out.  Al's response was incredible.  "Well, I just led worship here today.  I am good friends with this church and the Pastor is a buddy of mine.  I'll go ask him right now for you."  Can you believe that??  

Al bounced back out from meeting with the Pastor (who was in a leadership meeting) and it was all set.  Just show up on Monday and they would take care of us.  Wow!  

The reception venue had a backup plan built-in for the possibility of inclement weather.  They had only had to do this one other time in their history.  The very nice Chateau at the Incline Village Golf Course would become available to us.  Here's a pic: 

So, within 24 hours we changed the venue for the wedding and reception!  Destiny did not even see the church until she walked in moments before the ceremony!!  If Kyle & Destiny had set out to use that church and reception venue it would have cost them thousands of dollars more than their outdoor locations.  God is good!

Kyle & Destiny, we are so thankful for both of you and thankful for the love you have for each other.  Happy Anniversary!  


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