What I'm Thankful for in 2013

As we start the year 2013 it might be easy to be a little anxious-- the "fiscal cliff", the economy, uncertainty abounds, personal circumstances can be "iffy."  But I have learned the important lesson of being thankful which is a great antidote to many problems and issues.  You should try it.  So, here goes:

1) I am thankful to Almighty God for giving me breath, a mind and fingers to type this.  I am thankful that he dragged me to the foot of the cross and caused me to view and understand that He Himself died under my punishment so that I do not have to.  I am grateful that God loves me in spite of me.  I am thankful that He holds the future securely in His hand.

2) I am grateful for my wonderful wife Sallie of 26 years.  She is more wonderful all the time, she does an amazing balancing act by being a wonderful medical professional, a good friend and an even better mother to our three kids.  

3) I am grateful for my three incredible, talented and wonderful children.  Kyle's mind explodes with creativity, his new home in Reno is going to be amazing, he just got his Master's degree in Education and is such an encouragement to me.  Kurt is SO adventurous, so well-liked by others yet so humble about it.  He is responsible, has a heart for others and those in need.  He gets these amazing jobs and opportunities but he doesn't brag about it.  Kailie is an incredible blend of brilliance-- straight A student and creative.  She just got accepted to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a declared major in architecture.  She keeps our house neat, she does what she's told....amazing 17-year old!

4) I thankful after all that has happened in the economy to still have our own home and not be upside down.  It's big enough to have people over (40 this afternoon we think).  We have great and amazing neighbors too.

5) I am thankful for the way God has taken care of us in the last few years.  We have lived in the epicenter of the recession and we have seen God provide.

6) I am grateful for the people who have surrounded me during my personal crisis in 2009.

7) I am grateful for Mexico beaches, ripe strawberries in June, lunch at Nora's Cuisine in Vegas, getting to drive a different car every day, for good health, for having to lose weight, for Pastor friends in Las Vegas who must be some of the best anywhere, for the power of the word of God, the Bible; for summer days on a golf course and hiking around Hume Lake.  

Lots and lots and lots of things to be thankful for.


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