Proofs for the Resurrection

Proofs for the Resurrection
by Pastor Bret Johnson

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is either the greatest event of human history or the biggest hoax ever pushed onto the human race.  Here are several proofs that show it is the greatest event in human history:

Crucifixion--  The Romans were very good at executing people and knowing when they were dead.  Any question about it?  Run a spear up into the heart sac.  Jesus was dead.  Why is this important?  Some critics of the resurrection say Jesus “swooned” and revived in the tomb, moved away the stone and appeared as the Lord of life.  

The Stone-- a 2-3 ton stone was set in place when a tomb was built.  The stone would be “set” to roll down hill and lock into place.  It could be opened but only with difficulty and with several workers using a fulcrum to move it up hill again and re-set it.  

Roman Soldiers-- Roman soldiers were sent to guard the tomb of Jesus at the request of the Jewish leaders.  They themselves were aware that Jesus had made claims that he would rise from the dead.  If he were to rise from the dead (in their thinking) it would be a catastrophe for them.  The Jews were highly motivated to keep Jesus dead and in the grave.  A Roman soldier was trained to guard a 6’x6’ area (working in tandem with other soldiers) to secure an area.  The penalty for not guarding your post?  Death and sometimes death by fire started with your own clothing.  Were the Roman soldiers motivated?  Highly.  

The grave clothes were still there-- All four gospel writers mention this.  The cloths (think strips of cloth like clean rags) were dipped in an ointment and covered over the body (think paper maché in elementary school).  All those strips were still in place but no body was in it.

Appearances over 40 days--  Jesus appeared alive over a period of forty days.  He appeared to all kinds of people.  

An Appearance in front of 500 people-- Paul the Apostle records that Jesus showed himself alive to a group of 500 people at one time.  This is significant in a legal sense because of the substance of the evidence.

The changed lives of the disciples-- one of the greatest proofs of the resurrection is the changed lives of the disciples.  Almost instantaneously these men and women went from cowards to world-changers.  All of the disciples (except John) died a painful martyr’s death many years later because they believed in the resurrected Jesus.


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